Monday, November 23, 2020


Some events cry out for a Biblical context.

A tragic case in point:

A headline from November 9: Lawyers Can't Reunite 666 Seized Migrant Children With Parents . . .

New Testament, Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, Verse 18: Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Stephen Miller, architect of Trump's Zero Tolerance program

Credit: Southern Poverty Law Program

A lot of despicable things have happened in the past four years, but one of the most bestial was the heartless separation of children--many under the age of five, some of them infants--from their parents, a pogrom, excuse me, program reportedly pushed by Stephen Miller and implemented by Trump through much of 2017 and 2018. 

Not only were thousands of children and parents torn apart, in many cases this was done without even a paper trail that would allow them ever to be reunited. 

Hence these 666 children orphaned in our name by our government.

This may fit the definition of a crime against humanity. It certainly should earn its perpetrators a punishment of Biblical proportion.



12/3/20: To add to the cold-blooded malevolence of the separations themselves, it now appears that the Trump administration deliberately withheld crucial information that may let at least some of these families reunite. You can see the details here and here.

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